Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Friday, October 23, 2020

Outdoor Meet The Author Event - Wisteria Coffee, King, NC - Sat. Oct. 24

Outdoor Local Author Event 

Saturday, October 24, 2020 

12 - 2 p.m. 

Wisteria Coffee
Main St King, NC 27021 


Local authors from DW Beam Publishing will be there to meet and greet readers. 

Signed copies of their titles will be available for purchase!

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Coming Nov. 10, 2020



(Please note: Orders will be fulfilled approximately November 10, 2020)


Dizzy Dizzy Desmo 

Written by R.L.Weiss

Illustrated by Jessica Lentz


Desmo is a young tire who has has the lofty position of being on an Indy race car. But Desmo is a little show off and refuses to listen to the other tires. Through some unfortunate events, Desmo realizes he has been given the chance to become something better than a race car tire and finds happiness somewhere he never knew existed.








Tuesday, September 29, 2020

 Dizzy Dizzy Desmo by R.L. Weiss will be available soon!

Download your free coloring page now and check back soon for more!

Desmo Coloring Page


Monday, August 10, 2020

Paint a Picture with Words

"Paint a picture with words."

Author Jaylin Beam

 Stay tuned for Jaylin Beam's YouTube channel - coming soon! 

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Experience as Inspiration

Sitting on the lake, I was never more inspired, the light breeze flowing through the trees. 40,000 words in just a few days. At first, I wondered what I was going to write about. I no more than looked across the lake, and my imagination took off. One thing after another one. But experience is the best teacher of writing. You have to have some experience somewhere. My greatest inspiration is the adventure itself. From east coast to west coast, or halfway around the world, adventure is its best teacher. Start your adventure, and then let your imagination fill in the rest. 

DW Beam

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Congratulations & Thank You to students & those in the work force

We would like to take this time to congratulate each and every one that graduated this semester. A special congratulations to Mindy Roddy on graduating with her master's degree. Wow, what an accomplishment! We here at DW Beam Publishing know how hard it was these last few months of school. It was hard enough before this, so those who are attending school deserve special honors. Thank you for your hard work!

We would also like to take this time to thank those in the work force. We here at the publishing company have worked hard these last few months. We should say harder than ever. We thank you for your support, and I hope these words are encouraging to show that we support you and our fine country. Thank you for not quitting, especially when everything got hard. We here at DW Beam Publishing want you to know how much we care for and love you. We pray you keep up the good work to help rebuild our country. Even in the dead center of it all, we stood together. That's what families do.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Dizzy Dizzy Desmo by R.L. Weiss Coming Soon!

Illustration by Jessica Lentz
We are excited to announce the latest children's book that will be published by Story to Tell, an imprint of DW Beam Publishing, soon!

Dizzy Dizzy Desmo
Written by R.L. Weiss
Illustrated by Jessica Lentz

Desmo is a young tire who has has the lofty position of being on an Indy race car. But Desmo is a little show off and refuses to listen to the other tires. Through some unfortunate events, Desmo realizes he has been given the chance to become something better than a race car tire and finds happiness somewhere he never knew existed.

More information will be posted soon!

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Directions & Reality

Re-post from Author DW Beam's blog - Originally posted Nov. 2018

There are so many directions a writer can take while writing a story, or even telling a story for that matter. For instance, when you're writing a story like I'm writing right now, every little thought can be changed by another thought, an interruption to the main part of the story, giving you direction that you didn't intend to go. As you figure out a way to get back to it, you lose more directions with the new directions that you started with in the first place. Sometimes the original direction gets completely replaced by the new thoughts, leaving us reading back over the information to regather the story that we started with in the first place. 
Creative writing. A good writer can throw down anything. There are a lot of good writers out there. But making the story come alive is up to your own imagination as you put your new thoughts on paper. Be generous. After all, it is fiction. We often try to limit ourselves by judging reality with things that are not real. I urge you to get past reality and bring it to life as you do in your thoughts so that others can experience what you're feeling and not just words you're putting on paper. Have a wonderful time expressing yourself!
Hope you're having a nice day,
DW Beam

The best way to end a story:

Friday, April 3, 2020


(Arminda B. Roddy, author of Maya's Mountain: Where God Stands Up 
with her first copy of her published book)  

  The journey of writing Maya’s Mountain: Where God Stands Up has been one that I can 
safely say started from the time I learned to read and write. Since I was a young child, 
I have always been fascinated by the way an author could create an entire world, a visionary 
universe, with just their words! Of course, I would be remiss if I didn’t say that my 
grandmother, “Gramma Peggy”, and my mother Nancy had a HUGE hand in fostering 
my love of the literary universe. They have told me my entire life that reading is the 
key to all knowledge, and my hope is that this novel will help pass some kind of 
knowledge on to my readers, whether that is self-knowledge, spiritual knowledge, or 
some unique combination of all of it.

Even more, my journey with this novel has run parallel with my spiritual journey, namely, 
my walk with God. It’s taken me right around five years to finally bring this story to fruition, 
and an interesting point to note is that many of Maya’s memories and moments are largely 
reflective, if not exactly reflective, of memories and moments of my own. Writing this has 
been a wonderful and enriching way for me to reflect on my own spiritual journey, from 
accepting Jesus into my heart in my childhood church at fourteen, all the way up to the point 
I am at now, writing with the intention of sharing God’s glorious gospel with as many people 
as I can. Through all of Maya’s highs, lows, doubts, understandings, and overall reflections, 
I hope that those reading will be able to see that God is, quite literally, in the pages for all of 
this thing we call life and beyond.

Words are a powerful, powerful tool that we have been blessed with. I am so thankful for the 
opportunity that God has given me to use words to talk about His gospel. I am eternally 
grateful to my husband, ALL of my family, and my friends from every walk of my life for all 
of the support that they have offered me in this process and for providing the larger part of the 
inspiration for what I hope will be a riveting story to all who decide to dive into it. And on 
that note, I wish you happy reading and thank you for investing your interest in my story! 


Arminda B. Roddy

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

It is hard to believe it is already April 2020. This year has definitely brought some changes to the world around us, and we, along with everyone else in the world, have had to re-adjust and re-organize things a bit. But in the midst of it all, there are still so many great things going on.

2020 has been a great year for us so far! We are very excited about the new books that are now available to readers and the many more we have planned for the year.

Just a little recap of high points in 2020 for DW Beam Publishing so far:

January brought us the release of the fifth volume of Facts & Figures of God's Word by L. Beam, along with a new design for our website.

February brought us the releases of Maya's Mountain: Where God Stands Up by Arminda B. Roddy and Legend of Vuriana by DW Beam along with the five year anniversary of our first novel's release, The Adventures of Kimball McRyan: Times are Hard by DW Beam. Our fifth birthday!

March brought us the launch of our new children's division: A Story To Tell, and the release of its first two picture books, The Moon's Race by Jaylin Beam and Star's Song by Amy Beam.

And a hint of what's coming this month:

April will bring us the release of DW Beam's new sci-fi novel, Adrift, as well some new types of events the recent events in the world have brought about, virtual story times, online book signings, and many more.

The summer will hopefully open back up the opportunity for more community events that had to be canceled recently but we are sure will be even better when the time comes, as well as bring more children's picture books to the world.

We also have several exciting new releases set to come out in Fall and Winter from several different authors, including some long anticipated thrillers and sequels and one surprise from one of our trilogies in particular, but we don't want to give too much away yet. So keep your eyes open for more information to come.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

As a writer, I'm always working on a new story. Some for years. Others only a few weeks, including the publishing process. But when a book comes across my head, I have to put it on paper. If I know it from beginning to end, I easily write every detail in a short manner of time. But sometimes I don't know the end, or the middle, but I always know where to begin as I fill 'em in over the years and finish one book after another one. 

The untold stories.

The untruth truths. 

I urge you to learn to express yourself, and don't be afraid of rejection because we all get it. Remember, rejection is there just to make you strong enough to receive the praise when you accomplish something. 

My daughter told me once, “Daddy, you're so good at this.” 

I told her, “After fifty something years of messing up, you'd think I'd get one thing right.” 

Maybe that one thing is writing for you, too. A writer that writes from the heart is going to have a heart felt book. A writer that writes from the imagination is going to have an action filled adventure. Those that write from pain and suffering will make you cry. A writer overwhelmed with joy will make you laugh when you read their books. That's why it's important. Maybe not today, but one day, your writings will be important to someone. 

Just like one of the leaders in the past that had the great book burning. They all played their part. Every author that went up in those blazes made a statement to somebody. The writings were not in vain. So I urge you to keep writing and put your thoughts on paper, no matter what they are. 

DW Beam
DW Beam Publishing

Monday, February 24, 2020

All authors love writing, of course. That's the fun part: creating new people, new places, new events. Some authors can spin out books rather quickly. One I know in particular writes around forty-sixty pages a day. Others take many years creating their books, their work of art. One would think that actually creating the book would be the most difficult part of becoming a successful author. But it's not.

The most difficult part to becoming a successful author is promoting the book, letting others know the book is out there. There are so many authors and books out there today, and that's great for readers. More variety. There can never be too many books in the world. But this does make it a little harder for each book to get the attention they deserve. It's sad to think of how many amazing books have just sat on shelves, not often getting the opportunity to reveal their hidden stories when they were much better written than some of the best selling books.

What was the difference? Why did the best sellers get all the attention? Promotion, publicity. Some one spent a lot of time to get those in front of the right people, as many people as possible.

This step can never be started too early. As soon as the idea for the book comes, that's when the promotion starts. The best plan is to tell everybody, not enough to reveal too much and ruin the story for everyone, but just enough to get them wanting to hear more, to get them anticipating the release of the book. As the writing continues and the book gets closer to being released, the promotion gets even more important, and after the release, even more.

There are lot of opportunities for spreading the word about things today. With social media platforms popping up every day, blogs, Facebook, Instagram, and more, it's fairly simple to let people know who you are and what you're writing about, but that's not the only kind of publicity that has to be done. Word of mouth, in person promotion is still very important. Talking to everybody you meet, participating in book festivals, any chance there is to get the book in front of people, it's a good idea to take it.

Book signings are a great way to promote a book. Book store owners and managers are usually more than happy to schedule these events and encourage local authors. Some of them do like to see that the author has a pretty good online presence before they will schedule an event. There are also other venues that are great for book signings. Libraries, coffee shops, art galleries, and more. Sometimes it's good to dig a little deeper and think outside of the box, so to speak. But no matter where the signing takes place, readers seem to love meeting the authors and having a signed copy in their hand. E-books are gaining in popularity but to any book lover, there's nothing like holding the story in your hand, and meeting the author and having their signature makes it seem like it was written just for you.
And it was!